M2M Ferries - Contact No - (+91) 829-1902-662
Book Ticket in Advance - https://m2mferries.com/
Ferry gets full on weekends, book at least 3 days in advance.
One Way Fares as of 17th Nov 2022
Per Person - Rs 400 / Rs 490 / Rs 1500
Per Pet ( Cat / Dog ) 310
Bicycle(any) - Rs 110 ; 2 wheeler(any) Rs 210
Small Car - 1000 ; Medium Car - 1200 ; Large Car 1400
Maharashtra’s first Ro-Pax ferry service that let’s you travel from Mumbai to Mandwa in less than 60 minutes.
With a capacity of 500 passengers and 150 vehicles, the M2M-1 can accommodate just about any vehicle, whilst foot passengers and bicycles are also welcome.
And don’t worry about your pets feeling left out of the fun – even your furry friends can come along for the ride! Walk-on passengers or passengers with vehicles to travel 19km by sea as opposed to 111kms by congested roads saving over 4 hours travel time.
M2M Mumbai Terminal
Terminal R, Ferry Wharf,
Bhaucha Dhakka Mumbai Port,
Mumbai - 400010, MH
Google Maps Link - https://www.google.com/maps?q=18.9576431,72.8475912&hl=en-IN&gl=in&shorturl=1
M2M Mandwa Terminal
Terminal R, Mandwa,
Ropax Service Jetty,
Mandwa Jetty Road,
Mandwa - 402201, MH
Google Maps Link - https://www.google.com/maps/place/18°57'27.5%22N+72°50'51.3%22E/@18.9576431,72.8454025,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d18.9576431!4d72.8475912?hl=en-IN